Category Archives: Motherhood

Amazon Favorites: All of my Must-Have Items!

amazon must haves, amazon list, amazon

If you’re anything like me then you do 90% of your shopping from the comfort of your your sweatpants..on Amazon. Especially now that we’re all social distancing and creating some space from the outside world. And I don’t know about you but I am obsessed with browsing and shopping from curated Amazon storefront pages....

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    My Baby Registry, Updated 8 Months Postpartum

    newborn essentials, baby essentials, baby must-haves

    Here we are, 8 months postpartum and I feel like I can finally speak with confidence on the do’s and don’ts of a baby registry. You certainly don’t need all of these things, but they do make life easier when you’re in the chaos of figuring out how to care for both yourself and a...

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      a nursery tour!

      Jack’s nursery is finally all done and it’s the best room in my house! This was by far my most favorite project during pregnancy. I had never designed a room start to finish until this one and it was such a fun thing to focus on while the rest of my life was in total...

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        Jack Davis: Two Months

        Somehow my baby boy is two months old today. He decided to get bigger, smarter and older all on his own and forgot to ask me if that was okay. In the last month he turned into a real life human baby, not just a newborn. His cheeks are chunkier, his legs are meatier, and...

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          Jack Davis: One Month

          Jack, meet everyone. Everyone meet Jack. Born 9.3.18, 8lbs 2oz, 19.5″ long. My baby boy is officially one month old today. This last month has been the craziest, scariest, amazing, challenging and most beautiful month of my life. His labor and delivery was fairly standard in that I had painful contractions (for 3 days), there...

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          Welcome to the blog! You’ll find everything here from portfolio work and tips for new photographers, to personal posts related to motherhood and bits of my home! Stick around to see what’s new each week.



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          Located in Sacramento, California