If you’re anything like me then you do 90% of your shopping from the comfort of your couch..in your sweatpants..on Amazon. Especially now that we’re all social distancing and creating some space from the outside world.
And I don’t know about you but I am obsessed with browsing and shopping from curated Amazon storefront pages.
So, I joined the fun and created one myself.. I compiled all of my favorite Amazon finds into one spot, just for you!
** Shop all of my Amazon Favorites Right Here **
These are some of my favorite categories on my personal Amazon storefront page – Click on the links below to expand each category
- the perfect baby registry
- items for your home
- everything you need for a busy toddler
- photography gear
There are plenty more categories for you to shop from though, like books to read, non-toxic household products….it’s ALL there.
As a new mama, Amazon was my absolute saving grace…when you’re cooped up in the house with a newborn it’s almost impossible to leave the house and purchase necessities like burp rags, onesies, and a book to keep you occupied during all of those long feeding sessions.
So while we’re all quarantined in our homes, in some particularly uncertain times…let’s stay safe and do our shopping online!
Don’t forget to click here to see what I love on Amazon