Tag Archives: lifestyle favorites

The Current Favorites

The last two and a half months have been a whirlwind of both Jeff and I starting new jobs, and the house being in shambles from a lengthy bathroom renovation. But as most things do, the dust is settling and we’re finding routines in our day to day so I’m excited to make space for...

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    Monthly Favorites | September

    I happened to try a lot of new products and purchased some exciting new things in the month of September and I thought it might be fun to share some of them with you guys in my new “Monthly Favorites” series. I also filmed another YouTube video where I discussed these items in further detail....

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    • Autumn Essentials » Nicole Dianne[…] A good book. I’ve talked about the Night Circus for a few weeks now, it popped up in my September Favorites and it continues into my Autumn Essentials. I’ve taken my time reading it because it’s […]ReplyCancel


    Welcome to the blog! You’ll find everything here from portfolio work and tips for new photographers, to personal posts related to motherhood and bits of my home! Stick around to see what’s new each week.



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    Located in Sacramento, California