The time between, “I’m in my last trimester, how exciting! And “Oh my gosh I could give birth any day now,” happened SO FAST for me. And now that I’m in the “I could give birth any day now,” phase I’m trying to make sure all of the to-do items are checked off my list.
One of my biggest to-do items was to pack a hospital bag. A lot of people probably think it’s silly to plan so much, but I’ve been having fun crossing each little thing off the list because it feels like we’re one step closer to meeting him. And hospitals freak me out so anything I can do to make that stay more pleasant is v important to me.
It might seem like I’m bringing a lot, but I’ve actually tried to be very practical (like usual) with everything I’ve decided to pack. Keep on reading if you want to see how I’m hoping to make this hospital stay feel a bit more like home with my Hospital Bag Essentials!
For Me
My hospital bag is the Catalina Deluxe from Lo & Sons and I love it! It fits everything I need here and it’s still pretty compact.
iPad: If I end up getting the epidural then I know there will be downtime between resting, so this is for entertainment…for the both of us really.
Camera: I ended up buying the Sony A6000 so we’d have a nice little camera that we can quickly and easily take pictures with, rather than my big old work camera.
Nightlight: In case our hospital room only has big bright lights, I’m hoping we can use this little guy for any night time light we need…I really doubt we’ll use this, but it’s pretty compact so I’m just tossing it in the bag.
Sound Machine: I can’t sleep with out white noise and being on the labor and delivery floor..I’m sure we’ll hear lots of sounds, hopefully this will make our stay a bit more peaceful.
Fan: I always sleep with a fan and I think this will make the hospital room feel a bit less hospital to me and a bit more like home? I hope so at least.
My own pillows: I don’t stay overnight, anywhere with out them! I’ve even packed them in my suitcase and flown them across the country. Again, with the whole making this hospital room feel like home… can’t sleep without them.
Numbing Spray: For obvious reasons. I know the hospital provides this, but I’m weird about chemicals and I know this one is v natural…so, that’s what I’ll be using unless it’s not strong enough.
Coming Home Outfit & Hospital Dress: I’m bringing 2 Dwell and Slumber dresses, one to wear in the hospital and one to wear coming home. They are the absolute softest, most comfortable things I’ve ever worn, they’re nursing friendly and I think they will be perfect post-delivery.
Birkenstocks: For chubby, swollen feet and also because this is the only shoe I ever wear….always!
Robe: I’m pretty sure that once I’m able to change out of my hospital gown I’ll just be wearing my Dwell and Slumbers, but just in case…I’m bringing a few other clothing options…The robe, to cover up with when visitors come and for easy skin to skin time.
Nursing Cami: To wear under the robe.
Nursing Bra: To also wear under the robe and Dwell & Slumber.
Other necessities: cozy socks, snacks, portable charger so I can charge my phone in the hospital bed and still be on it (so millennial of me), charging cables, my own toiletries, lots of chapstick (I’m an addict), and rubber flip flops for showering
For Feeding
Nursing Pillow: For nursing and so visitors can hold him easier.
Nursing Pads: I’m bringing reusable ones to try them out, but we’ll see..I may end up using the hospital’s disposable ones.
Silverette Nursing Cups: These are supposed to prevent cracked, painful nipples and I’ve heard really great things about them actually working!
Slow Flow Bottles: This is only in case the baby needs to be bottle-fed for any reason. I don’t want him being fed from a fast-flow bottle, getting used to that instant gratification, leading in turn to struggles with slower breastfeeding.
Nipple Cream: Just in case. But the Silverettes aren’t supposed to be used with any cream, the silver alone has all of the healing elements I’m supposed to need for cracked and sore nips.
For Baby
Onesies: I’m bringing several onesies, both for in the hospital and for his little coming home outfit.
Swaddles: I’m packing 2.
Pacifier: I know these are controversial (b/c nipple confusion! oh my!) but I’m bringing it anyway.
My own diapering goods: I know the hospital has everything I’ll need… but the thought of using all of the chemical-filled things they provide on my brand new baby doesn’t sit well with me. So I’m bringing my own coconut oil, diapers, wipes, and diaper cream where I know all of the ingredients.
His Baby Book: I have a Promptly Journal for his baby book which is my favorite thing ever! I’d like to have his foot prints put in here at the hospital.

He’s never far from me when I’m taking pictures in the nursery :)
That’s it my friends! I’m bringing my Catalina Deluxe weekender, my diaper bag and a small camera bag. Jeff will have his own little bag with barely anything packed haha. I’m sure we’ll still look like the crazy first-time parents walking in with our hands full… but I’m okay with that because we’ve never done this before and feeling prepared makes me feel less anxious. And the amount of anxiety I’m feeling just 9 days away from his due date is at an all-time high. So, wish us luck friends!
Tina StearsYou Nicole, are going to be the best Mama! Sending you all the best juju in the world, Sweetpea! Hugs to everyone.
Aria BethardsI love love this list!! It’s so funny how you could have 4 other babies but you forget everything you’re supposed to pack for the hospital each time. This list got me so excited, and now me + the kids are running around the house collecting all the items. And I looked up those Promptly Journals oh my goodness, I just ordered 5 last night for all the kids – thank you for that tip!!
Alexandra HoodGood luck my friend! You’ve got this!!