A couple of years ago, when my YouTube obsession was just getting started, I remember hearing Shay Carl say that he reads books because “Successful people read books,” and he wanted to be successful. That may or may not have been his exact quote, but the lesson remains the same. To be successful, you must first learn from others. Well, it’s really no secret around here that I love to read which makes it a bit easier for me to take Shay’s advice. I make it a priority to sit down and read every single day, whether it’s 10 minutes or an entire hour (if I’m lucky), it’s something that I believe in. Over the last couple of years I’ve come across three incredible books that I think every creative entrepreneur needs to read.
Big Magic I’ve talked about this book before, but it’s one of my all-time favorites. Whether you’re stuck in a creative block, or looking for some creative inspiration, this book is your answer. Every page of Big Magic is filled with the things we as creatives need to hear so we can keep pressing on, continuing in our creative journeys.
Girl Boss I had never heard of Sophia Amoruso before reading her book. But her book slowly gained popularity among business owners a couple of years ago. This book outlines her journey from ebay, vintage shop dealer to multi millionaire dollar Girl Boss.
Ask Gary Vee Gary Vaynerchuk is probably the world’s most savvy business person. He’s an investor, social media guru, CEO of Vaynermedia, YouTube sensation, and my source for everything business marketing. Gary puts out free, daily content to help entrepreneurs and his book is filled with all kinds of business gems.
Clearly we all have something to learn from Shay Carl, because just two years ago he sold Maker Studios (a creative agency for YouTubers) to Disney for $650 million. WHAT? Yeah, I know. The guy knows business and success, so I think I’ll take his advice to start with reading!
Omonivie OkhadeReally enjoyed Big Magic, and Girl Boss is on my list!