In an effort to spend less time on the computer or with my face staring at a screen I’ve decided (as I do most years) to read more! I’ve successfully finished 3 books so far this year. I guess I technically cheated on one of them because I listened to it on Audible, but I...
Janie PalinI listened to Yes Please on Audible too!! And I had the same feeling – Amy Poehler is hilarious no matter what she’s doing, but it was much different view into her life! I’m trying to figure out what to listen to next, stuck between Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey…. time will tell!
Have you tried or heard of Oyster? It’s been called “the Netflix of Books” and has a pretty good selection of ebooks! I think it’s at least worth the free trial to peek around and see what titles are included :)