Nic’s Bookclub v.1

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In an effort to spend less time on the computer or with my face staring at a screen I’ve decided (as I do most years) to read more! I’ve successfully finished 3 books so far this year. I guess I technically cheated on one of them because I listened to it on Audible, but I digress. Speaking of which, where has Audible been my entire life? Honestly the greatest for autobiographies.

One of my favorites, Essie Button, holds a monthly, virtual bookclub on her YouTube channel and I loved the concept so much that I decided to adopt the same idea for my blog. I want to keep myself accountable in reading/listening to more books each month and feel like this might be the perfect way to do so. I won’t give any spoilers for the books that I read, so I guess it will be more of a review/discussion and less of a traditional book club, and also… I’m the only member right now soooo ;). But I’ll also fill you in on the next book up for discussion so maybe we can read along together?? What do you think? Want to join me in my virtual book club? Please say yes!

The reviews….

Looking For Alaska: I feel mixed about this book. In true John Green fashion, he created extremely controversial yet relatable characters. He has a way of making the reader feel so angry because his characters don’t quite respond to situations the way you might want them to, but his writing  also draws you in because the emotions are so real, raw and like I said..relatable. I found myself frustrated with the slower parts in this book and then reading for a few hours when it picked up. The first half of the book builds up to an extremely huge twist in the book and finishes leaving you feel fairly satisfied with the loose ends. It’s a story about friendship, loss and seeking out a Great Perhaps. I read The Fault in Our Stars last year and became a huge John Green fan. I wouldn’t say Looking For Alaska will be my favorite book from him, but it was definitely worth the read.

Yes Please: I listened to this book on audible and it was especially enjoyable because it was narrated by Amy Poehler herself. I expected this book to be much more comedic than it was, but that just shows you can’t assume until you read! Amy shared childhood stories, different troubles she’s faced over the years, she went into great deal about her time on SNL and life in showbiz. I loved hearing the parts about Tina Fey and Amy’s friendship, how they grew up in the business together and support each other through the different stages of fame. It was interesting to hear Amy talk as a “real person,” with real life problems, instead of a comedian always making us laugh. And I know that sounds silly because obviously comedians are real people, but she became really relatable to me in this book. Definitely a good read, and an even better listen on Audible!

The Night Circus: Where do I even begin with this book? This is… dare I say… my all-time-favorite-book. It’s about a traveling circus that mysteriously appears one day. There were no signs of it coming and the doors only open at night. Along with this magical circus, there’s a developing story of two illusionists who are being trained to battle one another, but they aren’t aware who their opponent is, where or when the battle will commence, and what they are training to do. It’s kind of difficult to give a full synopsis of The Night Circus because there are so many intricate details to the overall story. But it’s beautifully and masterfully written by Erin Morgenstern. It honestly took me a couple of months to finish this book because I just didn’t want it to end!  The world around me went mostly quiet anytime I started to read, as I became so enthralled with the characters and all that the Circus was. This is a must-read!

This month I’m reading Mindy Kaling’s book, Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me? And by reading, I actually mean listening on Audible. But I’m also planning to read a paper book, because that whole less screens thing. After scanning my home bookshelf, I think I may need a trip to the bookstore… any suggestions for next months’ book? I hope you’ll virtually join me!

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  • Janie PalinI listened to Yes Please on Audible too!! And I had the same feeling – Amy Poehler is hilarious no matter what she’s doing, but it was much different view into her life! I’m trying to figure out what to listen to next, stuck between Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey…. time will tell!

    Have you tried or heard of Oyster? It’s been called “the Netflix of Books” and has a pretty good selection of ebooks! I think it’s at least worth the free trial to peek around and see what titles are included :)ReplyCancel


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