Tag Archives: wally cottage

How to Decorate Your Mantel for Fall + a Video!

Okay guys, I know I’m overdoing it on the mantel pictures, but since moving into Wally Cottage, decorating this little mantel has been my greatest joy and so I can’t help but share! I’m sure you aren’t too upset about it though, right? Plus today’s post comes complete with my first “how to” video at...

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    Three books that every creative entrepreneur needs to read!

    A couple of years ago, when my YouTube obsession was just getting started, I remember hearing Shay Carl say that he reads books because “Successful people read books,” and he wanted to be successful. That may or may not have been his exact quote, but the lesson remains the same. To be successful, you must...

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    • Omonivie OkhadeReally enjoyed Big Magic, and Girl Boss is on my list!ReplyCancel

    Monthly Favorites | March

    Five Year Journal: I used to journal all. of. the. time. when I was a little girl. But something sounds daunting about journaling as an adult. I have so much to say, so many thoughts, and not enough time to write it all down. Rather than spending an hour every night journaling my thoughts, this...

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      Monthly Favorites | February

      New plant: It’s no secret that I love all plants. I think they bring life into my home and add a nice pop of color to my otherwise white home ;). This is called a swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa) because overtime the leaves separate and look like little slices of swiss cheese! Now that...

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        Three Ways to Overcome a Creative Block

        Lest you think I have it all together, let me assure you I do not. Remember last week when I had my weekly posts both written and scheduled to go live at 8am on Monday and Wednesday? Well, both of my planned posts for this week flopped and here I am, 5pm Wednesday evening scrambling...

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          Welcome to the blog! You’ll find everything here from portfolio work and tips for new photographers, to personal posts related to motherhood and bits of my home! Stick around to see what’s new each week.



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          Get in touch! nicolediannephoto@gmail.com

          Located in Sacramento, California