I’ve recently discovered the world of podcasts and it’s my new favorite thing. I miss out on a lot of human interaction working from home, so people talking to people is nice to listen to when you don’t talk to many people on a daily basis! It’s no secret that I love being around people. So...
Janea GreeneI am obsessed with podcasts and I’ve never heard of any of these! I’ll be adding these to my stitcher favorites list! Thanks girl!
JEnnWow what a great list. Thanks for the suggestions! :)
Jasmine Wangawesoem list. can’t wait to try them all out!
Amanda Jacobus SchochGreat list. I’ve been on a real podcast kick lately. I can’t wait to check these out.
Lydia DicksonI’m going to have to check out some of the creative podcasts, thanks!