Tag Archives: books to read

The Autumn Reading List: Four festive books to read this Fall

There’s nothing more cozy than curling up on the couch with your favorite blanket, turning on the twinkle lights, sipping something warm, and reading an imagination-filled book during Fall. I say this because I think the Halloween to Christmas season really brings out our imagination and that calls for a particularly festive Autumn reading list. Below are...

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    Three books that every creative entrepreneur needs to read!

    A couple of years ago, when my YouTube obsession was just getting started, I remember hearing Shay Carl say that he reads books because “Successful people read books,” and he wanted to be successful. That may or may not have been his exact quote, but the lesson remains the same. To be successful, you must...

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    • Omonivie OkhadeReally enjoyed Big Magic, and Girl Boss is on my list!ReplyCancel


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