Weekend Links .04

WEEKEND LINKS by lifestyle blogger Nicole Dianne | www.nicoledianne.com
This week was a special one because we celebrated our six year wedding anniversary. That feels sooo weird to say. You know what’s even more weird? Some of our wedding presents are starting to look real tired. Like all of our towels…our blender…our toaster…our spatulas…you guys, have we really been married long enough for our wedding gifts to need replacement? I think that might be an indicator that we’ve made it past a milestone, right? That. is. wild. In other news, I painted my nails the most Autumnal color I could find, I started burning pumpkin scented candles, and I’m pretty sure I spotted 3 leaves changing colors on the tree behind our neighbor’s house. So, it’s pretty much Halloween. Here are some links I thought you might enjoy…

Maybe we/me/you are doing it all wrong. A productive 8-hour workday might actually be a myth.
Two of my favorite Netflix Series announced details on their second seasons this week!! Fuller House and Stranger Things..YES!
Weekly posts about new items at Trader Joes.
I went to the dentist last week, so flossing is on the mind. Do I really need to do it? Research says no!
Unsubscribe your life and get back hours from your inbox. I literally unsubscribed from 55 emails in less than 3 minutes.
I need these Mules in my life this Autumn.

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    Located in Sacramento, California